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Be astonished by your brand

If you work in branding and marketing, you know it can be filled with a ton of cynicism. It makes you feel like it has become part of getting a degree in the field.  I can almost hear those interviews with recent grads.

"Not only did I take the required Intro To Cynicism, but I got an A in Advanced Cynicism!"

A healthy dose of cynicism is a valuable tool for any branding pro. It helps keep you honest about your brand. But cynicism is too easy. It doesn't take any effort to reel off what could go wrong. That can snuff out a "what-if". This is when potentially game-changing thoughts are in their infant state. People can either be threatened by the idea or just too busy (or too lazy) to want to emotionally commit to exploring a potentially big idea. Cynicism is the easy out for them.

Cynicism becomes an idea killer. Sometimes intentionally. Sometimes unintentionally.

Fall in love with your brand. Fall hard.

I've heard the advice to not fall in love with your brand. I get the sentiment. You want to make sure you don’t miss the flaws that can be fixed. But I'm going to be the contrarian here.

I think you absolutely have to fall in love with your brand. Over and over. More than that. You need to be astonished by your brand. Make yourself step back and see its magic. Maybe rediscover the wonder it delivers.

If you're not astonished by your brand how can you expect anyone else to be? Take a moment to find the ways your brand can be astonishing. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Find the difference your brand makes in a life.
    Don't take the easy route and tell me your brand is purely functional and doesn't make a difference. Every brand worth existing makes a difference. It may not be a world-changing difference. It may simply be something that makes life a bit easier for someone. Think of that moment when a person feels relief or joy or whatever emotion because of your brand. Imagine yourself in her or his place.

  • Find your surprise and delight
    Is there something that you do with your brand that people always seemed pleasantly surprised by? It t may be the way you package or deliver your brand. Or it may be the service that surrounds it.  Or even better yet, It may be inviting people to be part of the purpose that you pursue. Find the surprise and delight in your brand. Then find a way to amplify it.

  • Write your brand's obituary
    If your brand died, what would its obituary say? Why is the world a poorer place for its passing? What legacy did it leave behind?  Sit down and write your brand's obituary and rediscover what impact it has on the world.

Your brand holds great potential. Potential to connect with others in meaningful ways. You need to find the thing that unlocks that potential. It starts by not being afraid to be astonished by your brand every once in a while.