5 must-read posts for brands wanting to embrace a purpose
Here is a round-up of 5 useful posts for organizations that are looking to discover what purpose can do for a brand.
Omvarldsanalys: The Swedish art of finding brand purpose - "Instead of creating with differentiation in mind, our Swedish counterparts design with purpose." + "Instead of focusing on a product, or its features, focus on the connections and real-world impacts your brand can make."
The Power Of Purpose: Kantar Purpose 2020 Study Shows How Purposeful Brands Grow Twice As Fast As Their Competition – "Purpose-doing gets more important than Purpose-saying. Each saying should be underpinned with a program of doing."
The impossible for capitalism is suddenly possible – "Creating value for shareholders at the expense of everything else will seem radically out of touch. Creating value for the world now seems the only viable thing to do."
Why getting purpose right matters – for brands and agencies –"At best, superficial purpose campaigns are ignored by consumers...but they also run the risk of being harmful to the brand."
The world needs this from your brand right now – “Let's show empathy. Let's offer support. But let's also give people something that makes tomorrow brighter. And our brands meaningful.”