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Finding a great brand story

Storytelling is the most powerful way to connect with humans. Because storytelling taps into something deeply ingrained in us. It has ancient roots, once serving a vital role in the survival and advancement of the species.

Over the years, the role of storytelling evolved. Beyond survival, storytelling became a valuable tool for teaching. Fairy tales and fables became engaging devices to convey a moral lesson.

Today, stories still have the ability to engage us unlike any other manner of imparting information. In fact, when you tell a story, it is potentially 22x more memorable than simply making your point with facts alone. Think about it. Would you rather sit through a PowerPoint with facts, figures, and charts or would you rather listen to a story?

What makes for a great brand story

A great brand story is not something you invent. It is something that naturally flows from who you are. The difference you make. The value you provide. Your unique place in the market. And more. Below are a few characteristics of an exceptional brand story. As you develop yours, use these characteristics to evaluate the story you tell.

  • It has the right hero. That hero is not you or your brand. It is the person you hope to serve. Why is that important? See the next characteristic.

  • It helps your prospect see themselves in the story, connecting and relating to the brand. When prospects see themselves in your brand story, it opens the door for them to embrace the story. And your brand.

  • It's human and authentic. There's no sense that you are trying to manipulate them. Your prospects can feel that you are genuinely helping and not just selling.

  • It's relevant and meaningful to those you hope to serve. You're not telling a story just to be telling a story. You're offering something that brings value to your prospects' lives.

  • It aligns with your brand purpose (Big Audacious Meaning), helping amplify the difference you hope to make in a life, a community, or even the world. This is the most powerful characteristic. When your brand story helps them feel like they are part of something larger than themselves, they begin to view you and your story very differently. They begin to become advocates for your brand.

How you tell it matters, too

Once you have crafted your story, remember that how you tell it is crucially important as well. There are two things to keep in mind.

  1. Keep it simple. The great thing about stories is that they get passed along. Have you ever heard a story that you then wanted to share, but as you tried to relate it to someone else, it became a bit convoluted or details got dropped? That's a sign of a story that still needs some work. You can have a great story but if you don't spend the time to make it as powerfully simple as possible, you diminish its ability to live on by being passed on.

  2. Tell it with passion. Your brand story should encapsulate why you do what you do (remember that last characteristic of aligning it with your purpose?) That should be a story that captures your zeal and fervor. People will get excited about your story. But only if they can first feel your passion for it.

For more on creating your irresistible brand story, check out this collection of posts. And for a great tool for telling your purpose-driven story, learn more about the Thrust Story Framework.