5 ways to get visual
In a previous post, I talked about how visualizing your ideas can improve the memorability of your communication. Here are 5 tools to help you easily create some interesting visualizations.
1. Wood Camera
This is an iPhone app. The graphic I've posted is a Microsoft Word document on my laptop that I shot with my iPhone through Wood Camera and then cropped and filtered.
2. Word Swag
This is another iPhone app that lets you add stylized text over your photos. The options help you turn out some cool results even if you don't have a lick of design sense.
3. Over
Over is another iPhone app that lets you stylize type as well. It gives you great options and makes it easy. I go back and forth between it and WordSwag. It's great to have both in your toolbox.
4. weavesilk.com
Silk is an interesting interactive tool that allows you to create ethereal graphics. Visit the site and play with the interface. It's infectious creating the flowing shapes. Silk is just one example of the many web-based tools out there that there that you can tap into to create some pretty interesting visualizations.
5. Paper
Paper is an illustration app for the iPad. The pens and brushes allow you create cool illustrated looks. The app helps you create a unique executions that stand out among the mass of photo manipulation options out there.