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A great rallying cry has these 5 things

Brands love taglines. They are those words they stick under the brand, intended to define why the brand is special. But 99 times out of 100, they are just noise – either self-serving crap or some incredibly ignorable vague platitude.

This is a missed opportunity. Because, outside of the brand itself, that line has the most potential to inspire and move those you hope to serve. What I’m talking about is not the mediocre taglines that plague brands. I’m talking about something that stirs the soul. A rallying cry.

To develop your rallying cry you need an appreciation for the power of language. And a dedication to getting that language right.

5 characteristics of a great rallying cry

A great brand rallying cry is rarely accidental. It is the product of critical thought. And it reflects an understanding of the power of connecting to the larger purpose the brand serves.

As you develop yours, consider weighing your efforts against these 5 characteristics of a great rallying cry.

  1. It’s strategically sound

    I've seen the sales management force a tagline on the branding ("We're the largest distributor in the greater metro area"). I've also seen CEOs insist on lines that are vague and sometimes even laughable ("Customers are our #1 priority").

    If we want our efforts to produce a rallying cry, we need to dig deeper. We need to get to the core of the brand, clarifying the difference we make for those we hope to serve. If we want it to be irresistibly meaningful, we have to start here – before we try to voice anything.

  2. It is outward facing

    It's not you talking about you. It references the difference you're going to make for those you hope to serve. In other words, it speaks to them (as opposed to speaking about you). It taps into their hopes. Aspirations.

    Pay attention to this characteristic. It's one of the most powerful. When people feel like we are putting them first, it sets the stage for new levels of engagement. For more on turning your focus outward, check out this post.

  3. It has layers

    It may be only a few words, but those few words have deep meaning. And that meaning can be interpreted in more than one way - both ways relating something relevant and meaningful to those you hope to serve. Your message becomes exponentially more powerful when you can build in multiple meanings. Check out this post for more details.

  4. It expresses something irresistible

    If you're focused on the difference you can make for others, then you should be able to accomplish this fairly easily. People love to feel like they are helping to make a difference by engaging with brands that have a clarified purpose or Big Audacious Meaning. Once again, pay attention to your language. Make it visceral. Your prospect should get a charge when they hear your rallying cry.

  5. It works inside and outside

    A great rallying cry will inspire your team members as much as it inspires your customers and prospects. For Sun Community Credit Union, I helped develop the rallying cry 'It's time to shine'. This rallying cry grew from the purpose of the organization and addressed people inside and outside of the organization. Inside, it celebrated team members’ efforts to further the success of serving the community. Outside, it compelled customers and prospects to do the things that led to financial security and ultimately, prosperity.

A great rallying cry can be one of the most valuable brand assets that you can craft. Spend time on your language. And use the 5 characteristics of a great rallying cry to make yours one that inspires.