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Passion is your brand’s x-factor

I have been watching the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. The first two days are my favorite because I get to see all the little schools that didn’t get a lot of attention during the season but made the tournament.

These are schools that don’t have five-star recruits or ridiculously huge budgets. But here they are in the tournament. Playing their hearts out. Giving the big schools all they want. And even upsetting one or two of them.

As I watched them, I couldn’t help but get caught up in their infectious energy. They hustled. They dove after loose balls. And they rushed to pick each other up off the floor

Their passion was palpable.

The a-ha moment

Talent will always be important. But talent itself is not enough.

I’ve seen teams stacked with unbelievable talent that do well but fail to become a great (championship) team. And I’ve seen other teams that don’t have quite that level of talent yet they go on to win it all.

What’s the x-factor? Passion.

We humans are funny creatures. We can perform beyond our seemingly limited capabilities if we have a fanatical belief in what we are doing.

What it means for a brand

There are big implications for a brand in this. You may not have the big budgets. You may not have a connection to celebrity customers. But you do have the ability to unleash passion. And passion is the factor that can exponentially increase the impact of your brand.

Passion breeds authenticity

Consumers are savvy. They can smell a phony a mile away. Passion sparks authenticity that makes your brand voice genuine and relatable. Think about it. When you're truly passionate about something, it shows. Your enthusiasm is contagious. People connect with your brand on a deeper level because they sense your conviction.

Passion fuels innovation

Passion is the driving force behind creativity. It's what compels you to push boundaries, to challenge the status quo, and to develop ideas that are truly unique. A passionate brand isn't afraid to take risks in seeking new ways to improve, and surprise and delight its customers.

Passion creates community

People gravitate towards passion. It's a magnetic force that attracts like-minded individuals. When your brand is fueled by passion, it fosters a sense of community. Your customers become more than just customers. They become advocates. They share your brand story, they champion your offering, and they help you grow.

Unleashing your passion

Let's face it, the marketing landscape is cluttered. A million brands are vying for our attention, all promising relatively the same things – to make us happier, healthier, cooler. How do we cut through the noise? How do we create a brand that people truly connect with? Here is how we can begin:

  • Understand why your brand is important to those you hope to serve. Talk to your most avid customers. Find out why they are passionate.

  • Amplify what you stand for. If you haven’t formally identified this, now is the time. This doesn’t have to be world-changing. It can simply be the difference your brand makes in one life. I call it clarifying your Big Audacious Meaning.

  • Rally your team around your passion. Get them excited about being part of something larger than themselves. Help them see the difference the brand is helping to make in the world.

The best thing about passion is that any brand can tap into it. It’s not exclusive to mega-brands or sports brands or any other. Any brand can clarify the unique difference it will make in a life, a community, or even the world. And then embrace the passion that follows.

It can be the thing that lifts you to greatness.