Building a brand personality to make your brand more human

Think of your brand as a person at a party. Its colors and typeface create the outfit it wears, but its personality—the way it speaks, interacts, and makes others feel—determines whether people want to get to know it better. A strong brand personality fosters connection, builds trust, and makes your brand memorable. It allows you to transcend simple product features and communicate your purpose, mission, and values, and the unique experience you offer. 

The pitfalls of a personality-less brand

While crafting a strong brand personality takes effort and intentionality, the alternative can be far worse. Here's what happens when a brand fails to define its personality:

  • Lost in the crowd: In a sea of competing voices, a brand without a personality blends into the background noise. Prospects struggle to differentiate you from your competitors, making it harder to stand out and capture attention.

  • Inconsistent messaging: Without a guiding personality, brand messaging becomes inconsistent and confusing. Your tone might shift across different platforms, leaving prospects unsure of what your brand truly represents. This inconsistency breeds distrust and makes it difficult for prospects to form a lasting connection.

  • Missed opportunities: A brand personality allows you to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Without it, your brand interactions become purely transactional. You miss the opportunity to build a loyal following and passionate advocates for your brand.

  • Uninspired employees: A strong brand personality isn't just for customers. It shapes your company culture. Without a clear personality, employees might struggle to understand the brand's purpose and values, leading to a lack of enthusiasm and disconnect from the brand's mission.

Crafting a personality that connects

So, how do you craft a winning brand personality? First of all, know your audience. It is crucial to understand your ideal customer's demographics, interests, and values. What tone would resonate with them? Funny and casual? Informative and authoritative? Imagine your ideal customer and tailor your personality to someone you'd want to have a conversation with.

Second, define your purpose and brand values. What difference does your brand aspire to make in the lives of those it hopes to serve? This is your purpose or Big Audacious Meaning. Also, what are the core principles that guide your company? Authenticity, innovation, or environmental consciousness? Align your personality with these values. 

Third, find your voice. Choose the language and tone that best reflects your brand's personality. Will you be witty and conversational or informative and professional? This will influence everything from how you speak on your website to how you post on social media.

Brand personalities we all love

Let's look at some examples of brands that have mastered the art of building a strong personality:


LEGO is a masterclass in building a brand personality that transcends generations. Its core message – that LEGO bricks are more than toys, they're tools for creativity and imagination – has remained constant for decades.  However, it has adapted its brand voice to resonate with different age groups, from the playful humor of their children's marketing to the nostalgic appeal of their adult-targeted campaigns. This adaptability, while staying true to its core personality, has helped LEGO stay relevant and beloved by fans of all ages. Its brand personality isn't just about selling toys. It's about celebrating the power of creativity and the joy of building something together.


Duolingo's brand personality is embodied in its friendly owl mascot, Duo, which symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and learning. Duo is quirky and relatable, often appearing in humorous marketing campaigns that poke fun at the struggles of language learning. This lighthearted approach makes learning feel less intimidating and more approachable, especially for beginners. Duolingo's social media presence is full of encouragement and celebrates user milestones, fostering a sense of community among learners. This well-defined personality has helped Duolingo become a go-to platform for language learning, making it fun and accessible to a broad audience.


Harley-Davidson isn't just a motorcycle manufacturer. It is a symbol of freedom, rebellion, and the open road. Its bold, rugged brand personality and appeals to a sense of adventure. Its marketing materials showcase motorcycle journeys through breathtaking landscapes, capturing the essence of the biker lifestyle. Harley-Davidson's brand voice is strong and evocative, using language that speaks to the desire for independence and individuality. This rebellious spirit resonates with customers who crave adventure and a sense of belonging to a unique community. By embodying the spirit of the open road, Harley-Davidson sets itself apart as more than just a motorcycle brand.

Defining your brand personality isn't just about creating catchy slogans or funny commercials. It's about establishing the core essence of your brand, the voice you want to use to connect with your audience, and the purpose and values you want to represent. By taking the time to develop a strong brand personality, you can avoid the pitfalls and unlock the power of a brand that resonates with people on a deeper level, making your brand genuinely human and unforgettable.