We crave brands that are human

We crave something deeper than just product features and catchy slogans from a brand. We yearn for connection. This isn't some fleeting trend. It's a fundamental human desire rooted in our biology.

Our brains are wired for social interaction. Studies have shown that social connection is as crucial to our well-being as good nutrition and exercise. This need affects how we perceive brands. We don't want faceless corporations. We crave brands that feel human. Brands that are relatable. Brands that understand our needs.

The power of story, emotion, and authenticity

Have you ever been swayed by a dry, factual advertisement? Probably not. On the other hand, have you ever been swayed by a heartfelt brand story that resonated with your own experiences? Perhaps a story surrounding a company's commitment to social responsibility or a social media post celebrating a customer's achievement using their product. These stories tap into our inherent desire to connect. We connect with stories. Stories tap into our emotions, making us laugh, cry, or feel inspired. A brand that weaves a relatable narrative into its message instantly becomes more memorable. 

Of course, these stories have to be authentic. People can sniff out inauthenticity a mile away.  But authenticity goes beyond simply avoiding gimmicks. Transparency, vulnerability, and a willingness to show the human side of the brand fosters trust and loyalty. Embracing these traits builds trust and strengthens the connection between the brand and all of us.

The ROI of human connection

The validity of our desire for connection isn't just a theory. It’s backed by data. Studies by organizations like Edelman show that:

  • 73% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they feel connected to.

  • 91% of consumers say they're more likely to trust authentic brands.

  • 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a brand with a strong social conscience.

Connection is a powerful currency. Brands that prioritize building genuine relationships with their audience will win hearts, minds, and, ultimately, wallets.

Consider building a community, not just a customer base

In today's hyper-connected world, people have a multitude of choices. Simply creating a quality product is no longer enough. People want to feel like they're part of something bigger. A community that shares their values. Brands that can foster this sense of community will create a loyal following that goes beyond simple transactions.  Think of how Patagonia’s customers feel invested in the brand's mission. It makes the brand invaluable to them.

Standing out in a crowded marketplace

All of us want to feel seen, heard, and understood. By incorporating storytelling, transparency, authenticity, community building, and more into the brand, businesses can forge lasting relationships that translate into loyalty and growth. In a world saturated with noise, human connection is the key to making a brand truly stand out. By prioritizing connection, brands can rise above the din and create a space where we all feel valued and understood. And then reap the benefits of everything that follows.

BrandingDan SalvaBrand